Early Access Pass - Purple / Emerald

The Emerald and Purple Early Access Passes are the same pass but on different blockchains. Purple is exclusive to Polygon and Emerald exclusive to WAX.

Global Use Case

The pass was used to gain access to the Avalon Private Alpha that happened from January to March 2023. During this period, people were able to play and collect Rare Avalon Alpha Badges.

Use Case as of Last Update

Currently, the use for the Pass is to gather 21 Rare Avalon Alpha Badges and blend them with the Pass in order to get a Rare Character that will grant access to the Beta.

This Pass will allow you to play the game if you combine it with 21 Rare Avalon Alpha Badges and will also allow you to blend it into an Avalon Character

Download the Game here

I Bought the Pass, what should I do ?

The main use of the Pass is now to blend it with 21 Rare Avalon Alpha Badges into a Rare Character that will give access to the Beta.

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AtomicHub for WAX

Rarible for Polygon

Venly for Credit Cards

Last updated